Yogyakarta: Program Magister Psikologi Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada. Pengaruh metode pembelajaran koopratif tipe jigsaw terhadap prestasi belajar biologi pada siswa SMA.
#Buku psikologi pendidikan ormrod manual
Buku manual SPS (seri program statistik) paket midi. Learning and Individual Differences, 499-505.

Academic self-efficacy and academic self-concept: reconsidering structural relationships. Surakarta: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret. Studi komparasi pembelajaran kooperatif metode jigsaw dan group investigation (GI) ditinjau dari motivasi belajar terhadap hasil belajar siswa.
#Buku psikologi pendidikan ormrod windows
Educational psychology: windows on classroom. AsiaPacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 69-79.ħ3 Eggen, P., & Kauchak, D. Exploring hope, self-efficacy, procrastination, and study skills between cooperative and non cooperative education students. Yogyakarta: Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada. Pengaruh pembelajaran ekonomi di SMA dengan metode pembelajaran jigsaw terhadap motivasi berprestasi dan prestasi belajar siswa: studi pada siswa kelas X tahun ajaran 2005/2006 SMA Virgo Fidelis Bawen. European Journal of Psychology of Education, abstract. The jigsaw technique and self-efficacy of vocational training students: a practice report. Journal of Educational Psychology, 55-64. Academic self-efficacy and first-year college student performance and adjustment. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 47-54. Children's self efficacy, motivational intentions, and attributions in physical eduation sport. Academic self-concept and self-efficacy: how different are they really? Educational Psychology Review, 1-40. Social foundations of thought and action. Academic self-efficacy: from educational theory to instructional practice. Self efficacy beliefs: from educational theory to instructional practices.